Patient Information


(Click on any of the questions below for answers)

Endocrinology is a specialised field in medicine dedicated to the study and management of disorders of the endocrine glands. Some examples of endocrine glands are:

  • pituitary (the master gland)
  • thyroid
  • parathyroid
  • pancreas
  • adrenals
  • sex glands

Hormones are signalling molecules secreted by endocrine glands to regulate and maintain the body’s normal function.

Endocrinologists are specialists who treat endocrine diseases ranging from the common such as diabetes and thyroid disorders to the rare causes of secondary hypertension.

Our Clinic is Medisave accredited under the Chronic Disease Management Programme. This means you may use your Medisave to help offset your outpatient charges for chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol disorders and stroke. For eligibility criteria and further details, please refer to the Ministry of Health website at Medisave CDMP

In general, you need to fast for 8 hours before cholesterol (lipid) and pre-breakfast blood sugar (glucose) tests. Plain water is permitted. There may be other specialised endocrine tests which need fasting as well. Please check with us if in doubt.

While common endocrine illnesses like diabetes are generally chronic, they can be well-controlled with the right treatment. Other forms such as certain endocrine tumours causing hypertension (high blood pressure) and electrolyte disturbances are potentially curable if discovered and treated in the early stages.